Founded in 2016 by two former serving soldiers, Calum MacLeod and Colin Maclachlan, Who Dares Cares has a team of volunteers committed to supporting our Armed Forces and Blue Light Services personnel, including their families, who are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

​After Colin and Cammy met, sharing their own stories, and becoming friends, bound by their own experiences, they both realised they could help so many other people, who are left ‘alone’ to deal with their experiences, thoughts and traumas. They decided to build a platform that would provide help and support to individuals and their families, all in the way of Who Dares Cares.
I joined the Army at the age of 15 after a troubled childhood and passed initial selection into the Special Air Service (SAS), first time, aged only 23. After being captured, stripped naked and mock executions carried out, I then left active service from the SAS. I was troubled by a lot of the experiences that I had faced, but also troubled that so many of my friends and colleagues also suffered from many of the same or similar experiences as myself. But what troubled me most of all was losing a lot of them, including my brother, to suicide.
I joined the Army at the age of 19, a boyhood dream. I served with the King's Own Scottish Borderers (KOSB), along with many other cap badges over the years. On the 17th May 1992, I was involved in a horrific incident that left me with lasting and devastating effects on my career and personal life. Whilst serving in the KOSB and Parachute Regiment, I was taken by Republicans in Northern Ireland, beaten to near-death, until rescued by the actions of a paratrooper, and told in hospital that I was the luckiest man alive. After all the beatings and having concrete slabs dropped on my head, I didn’t think it could have gotten any worse for me, but the Republicans made an attempt to shoot me in my head.
I was only saved by the trigger of the weapon failing to fire. Again, I was rescued by my fellow soldiers and treated for both my physical and mental wounds. After the physical wounds healed, the mental ones went unnoticed and I continued to serve until 2011 and retired after 24 years because of the injuries that I sustained over the years – both physical and mental. After leaving active service, I received very little help and I struggled to cope which resulted in an attempt at taking my own life, the same as many of my former friends and colleagues had done.
Our board of trustees is made up of volunteers who share the founders' desire to help and support other PTSD sufferers and their families. We’ve operated our military charity to the highest standards since 2016.


Alcohol and Drugs Adviser

Craig Carse
Bluelight Services

Media and PR
David has spent most of his working life in the design, print and publishing industry. Originally from Northern Ireland, he now resides in West Lothian.
When not working or on family duties his other interests include Fly Fishing and Motorbike Racing.
David has been a long time supporter of Who Dares Cares and has taken part in many of our fundraising initiatives.

Richard Nelson
Richard is a dedicated Rehabilitation Instructor with the NHS, boasting over 20 years of experience in forensic mental health. Throughout his career, he has held a variety of roles within ward settings and in therapeutic activities, and working closely with patients to support their rehabilitation journey.
In addition to his healthcare work, Richard is a passionate trade union activist and currently serves as a representative for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). He plays an active role in advocacy, sitting on various high level committees, which included attending Gold Command during COVID, and frequently participating in decision-making meetings. Richard also provides crucial support to nurses, representing them in disciplinary hearings, grievances, and offering guidance on workplace matters.
Outside of healthcare, Richard is a local Councillor for South Lanarkshire, representing Ward 20, Larkhall. He is also the Deputy Leader and Business Manager of the Conservative Group in South Lanarkshrie. His leadership extends to his role as Chair of the Planning Committee for South Lanarkshire, in addition to his membership in other key council committees such as Social Work, Finance, and the Executive Committee.
Richard's interests also extend into the realm of magic and hypnosis, which he enjoys both as entertainment and as a therapeutic tool. He has recently trained as a Bowen Therapy practitioner and offers sessions to those suffering from acute pain.
Married with two sons, Richard enjoys spending his downtime with his family, including his three dogs, while going on holidays and socialising with friends. Although he has never served in the armed forces, Richard is a strong supporter of veterans and serving personnel, making him a valuable asset to Who Dares Cares.
George enlisted into the Armed Forces in May 1995 and served with
The King’s Own Scottish Borderers 1995 – 2002 then transferred to
The AGC(SPS), leaving the Army in September 2017.
George completed operational tours in Northern Ireland, Iraq and the Falklands. George is currently employed by the Scottish Government within the Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate as a Business and Finance Manager. George brings with him a vast amount of financial charitable sector experience having been the Treasurer for the Herford, Germany SSAFA Branch
from 2014 – 2015.
George is also a volunteer administrator for the Livingston North Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club, the Who Dares Cares West Lothian Walk, Talk and Brew Group and is a Military Veteran Champion for the Scottish Government.
Steve joined the Armed Forces in January 1979. He trained as a Vehicle Mechanic in The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) and served most of his military career in West Germany. During this time, he completed 2 operational tours of Northern Ireland, in Belfast and South Armagh. He is currently employed by the City of Edinburgh Council as a School Bus Driver and is also a fully qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.
Steve is also a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for more than 20 years and for this reason is Who Dares Cares Drug and Alcohol Adviser, bringing a wealth of
first-hand knowledge and experience in his role.
In his words “I have been there, seen it, done it, and got the T shirt.” This lived experience helps those who reach out for help in this area to talk to someone who knows what they are going through in a safe and
non-judgemental space.
Craig served 30 years in Lothian & Borders Police and Police Scotland.
All of his service was as a frontline
officer working in a variety of departments and units. He also served
in the Army Reserve where he deployed alongside regular troops.
In his time in service he has witnessed first hand the effects those careers have had on the mental health of friends, colleagues and the public. He has experienced the fall out caused by PTSD and other mental illness from several perspectives and is driven to
help those suffering.
He became involved with Who Dares Cares as logistical support for one of their events and was sufficiently impressed with the commitment of the volunteers, the guys dealing with their mental baggage and the results brought about by the teamwork that he got more involved with the charities work.
Craig is currently using his knowledge of the emergency services as our blue light coordinator to promote the charity in those areas as well as assisting wherever he can in the work of the charity.
Looking for PTSD support from fellow Armed Forces members? Call Who Dares Cares now on 07341 872805.
We’re available on the phone 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. However, outside of these hours, you can get in touch with us via our Facebook page, or our contact form.